Buying an Outdoor Banner Five Key Thoughts
Buying an Outdoor Banner Five Key Thoughts. The use of outdoor PVC banners has become very popular in recent years. This is due mainly to the advances in digital printing, producing very elaborate print finishes, cost effectively. So we will talk about key points such as size, message, design, materials and extras.
However what should you think about before making a purchase?
Although we are all conscious of cost on every project, it is important to ensure that your banner is the appropriate size for the task. If you expect to attract passing motor traffic at a roundabout, a 4ft x 2ft banner is not likely to have much impact. Don’t end up wasting money in your quest to save money. Additionally, you might think the bigger the better, and when you receive you banner, it is too big to fit at the desired location. Select a prominent location, measure the area, cross the road and take a look back, drive past in the car. This will help you to select the best location and the optimum size for your needs.
Now that you have decided on size/location, what do you want to say? A Banner containing piles of information won’t work. The largest text is the "call to action" e.g. “Christmas Fair”. If the reader is interested, they will read the details below. Next, the sub-text should focus on “when, where and contact details”. Please don’t place your business name as the prominent text. Who cares if you are “AG Technologies Ltd” but they might be far more interested if you told them “Smart Phones Half Price”.
Give your design an orderly layout. The use of panels to separate text makes it a lot easier for the naked eye to follow. Us humans like order. Our brains are programmed to follow that format easily and quickly. The use of icons and colour will make it attractive, but don’t smother the message. Contrasting colours work best; red on white, black on yellow, etc. Avoid a dark background if possible. Fully supported through our print to print process.
Materials are very important. Jimmy’s Banners is offering you a fantastic price for a new banner. However, what materials is he using? There are generally two types of PVC Banner material, “laminate” and “coated”. The laminate material is a single layer of PVC which is quite stiff. As a result, it will crack over a short period of time in cold weather. Coated material is dual layered and flexes in extreme weathers, making it far more durable over the long term. Because coated has a smoother surface, it also produces a better quality print finish. Ask if they offer poster printing Dublin.
Which mounting eyelets is your printer using? Plastic eyelets are durable and long lasting. There are a number of metal eyelet options; brass, steel and nickel. Brass is strong and rust-free. Nickel is not as strong, but it is also rust-free. Steel eyelets are cheap but rust. Avoid at all costs unless you want rust streaks running down your printed surface.
Ask about extras.
Can your printer apply a PVC label to change the date for next year’s event?
Will your printer seal a nylon rope into your banner to make it easy to hang from pole to pole?
Has your printer finished your banner with a double-layered hem for extra strength?
Are they offering digital printing Ireland?
If you have any additional questions, please let us know